Requirement: I want to execute the PL/SQL Procedure with IN and OUT Parameters in Oracle.
Solution: For the solution of the above requirement, let us first create the PL/SQL procedure having both the IN and OUT parameters. Thus, the complete code for the PL/SQL procedure is shown below:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_getempdetails ( ip_emp_no IN NUMBER, op_f_name OUT VARCHAR2, op_l_name OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS BEGIN SELECT first_name, last_name INTO op_f_name, op_l_name FROM employees WHERE employee_id = ip_emp_no; END;
Now, to execute the above PL/SQL procedure we can use the below anonymous PL/SQL block of codes.
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; DECLARE v_f_name employees.first_name%TYPE; v_l_name employees.last_name%TYPE; BEGIN proc_getempdetails(100, v_f_name, v_l_name); dbms_output.put_line(v_f_name || ' ' || v_l_name); END;
Thus, the output of the above anonymous PL/SQL block of codes is shown below:
Hence, the solution to our requirement.
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Thanks & Regards,
Susanto Paul
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