Sat. Dec 4th, 2021

Requirement: I have a demo.jspx page. On demo.jspx page I have two af:button named as “Drilling” and “Turning”.

When I click on the “Drilling” button it should load an af:popup. Inside that af:popup it should display three af:outputText named as: DrillingMethod1, DrillingMethod2, and DrillingMethod3.

When I click on the “Turning” button it should load an af:popup. Inside that af:popup it should display three af:outputText named as: TurningMethod1, TurningMethod2, and TurningMethod3.

Note: DrillingMethod1, DrillingMethod2, and DrillingMethod3 are stored in a List in Java Bean. Similarly, TurningMethod1, TurningMethod2, and TurningMethod3 are also stored in a List in Java Bean. We will be iterating these List items and creating the components based on the numbers of elements in the each of these Lists.

Solution: For solution to the above requirement followed the steps as shown below:

Step 1: Create an Oracle ADF Fusion Web Application. Name the application as: DynamicComponentInsidePopup.

Step 2: Create a demo.jspx page.

Step 3: Do the following sub steps as shown below:

  1. Drag and drop two af:button and one af:popup from the component palette. Drag and drop af:panelGroupLayout inside af:popup.
  2. Create the binding for the af:popup as binding=”#{pageFlowScope.MyBean.popupBinding}”.
  3. Create popupCanceledListener for the af:popup as popupCanceledListener=”#{pageFlowScope.MyBean.popupCancelListener}”.
  4. Create the binding for the af:panelGroupLayout as binding=”#{pageFlowScope.MyBean.panelGroupLayoutBinding}”.
  5. Change the layout property of the af:panelGroupLayout as layout=”vertical”
  6. Name the text of the first af:button as text=”Drilling”. Create the actionListener as actionListener=”#{pageFlowScope.MyBean.showDrillingMachines}” and binding as binding=”#{pageFlowScope.MyBean.drillingButtonBinding}”
  7. Name the text of the second af:button as text=” Turning”. Create the actionListener as actionListener=”#{pageFlowScope.MyBean.showTurningMachines}” and binding as binding=”#{pageFlowScope.MyBean.turningButtonBinding}”
  8. Drag and drop af:showPopupBehavior from the component palette and set the properties as popupId=”p1″ triggerType=”click” align=”afterEnd” inside both the af:button.
  9. Thus, the complete demo.jspx page code is shown below:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1" xmlns:f=""
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
        <af:document title="demo.jspx" id="d1">
            <af:form id="f1">
                <af:button text="Drilling" id="b1" binding="#{pageFlowScope.MyBean.drillingButtonBinding}"
                    <af:showPopupBehavior popupId="p1" triggerType="click" align="afterEnd"/>
                <af:button text="Turning" id="b2" binding="#{pageFlowScope.MyBean.turningButtonBinding}"
                    <af:showPopupBehavior popupId="p1" triggerType="click" align="afterEnd"/>
                <af:popup childCreation="immediate" autoCancel="disabled" id="p1"
                    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1" binding="#{pageFlowScope.MyBean.panelGroupLayoutBinding}"

Step 4: Now got to class and write the code as shown below:

package com.susanto;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ListIterator;

import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;


public class MyBean {
    private RichPopup popupBinding;
    ArrayList<String> drillingMethods =
        new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("DrillingMethod1", "DrillingMethod2", "DrillingMethod3"));
    ArrayList<String> turningMethods =
        new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("TurningMethod1", "TurningMethod2", "TurningMethod3"));
    private RichPanelGroupLayout panelGroupLayoutBinding;
    private RichButton drillingButtonBinding;
    private RichButton turningButtonBinding;

    public MyBean() {

    public void showTurningMachines(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        for (int i = 0; i < turningMethods.size(); i++) {
            RichOutputText richOutputText = new RichOutputText();
            richOutputText.setId("richOutputLabel" + 1 + i);
            addComponent(getPanelGroupLayoutBinding(), richOutputText);

    public void showDrillingMachines(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        for (int i = 0; i < drillingMethods.size(); i++) {
            RichOutputText richOutputText = new RichOutputText();
            richOutputText.setId("richOutputLabel" + 1 + i);
            addComponent(getPanelGroupLayoutBinding(), richOutputText);

    public void popupCancelListener(PopupCanceledEvent popupCanceledEvent) {

    public void addComponent(UIComponent parentUIComponent, UIComponent childUIComponent) {

    public void setPopupBinding(RichPopup popupBinding) {
        this.popupBinding = popupBinding;

    public RichPopup getPopupBinding() {
        return popupBinding;

    public void setPanelGroupLayoutBinding(RichPanelGroupLayout panelGroupLayoutBinding) {
        this.panelGroupLayoutBinding = panelGroupLayoutBinding;

    public RichPanelGroupLayout getPanelGroupLayoutBinding() {
        return panelGroupLayoutBinding;

    public void setDrillingButtonBinding(RichButton drillingButtonBinding) {
        this.drillingButtonBinding = drillingButtonBinding;

    public RichButton getDrillingButtonBinding() {
        return drillingButtonBinding;

    public void setTurningButtonBinding(RichButton turningButtonBinding) {
        this.turningButtonBinding = turningButtonBinding;

    public RichButton getTurningButtonBinding() {
        return turningButtonBinding;

Step 5: Save all and run the application. Thus, the ran application is shown below:

Step 6: Click on the Drilling button. On click of Drilling button it display the popup with all the Drilling methods as shown below:

Step 7: Click on the Turning button. On click of Drilling button it display the popup with all the Turning methods as shown below:

Hence, the solution to our requirement.

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Thanks & Regards,
Susanto Paul

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By Susanto Paul

Susanto is an Oracle ACE, a qualified MCA, MBA, and a highly-skilled Senior Oracle Specialist. He is an enthusiastic Blogger and YouTuber who helps learners to solve their complex problems more efficiently. He has 9+ years of experience in multiple technologies like AWS, Oracle ADF, Oracle APEX, Oracle JET, Oracle VBCS, Oracle IDCS, Oracle PL/SQL, Oracle Integration Cloud, Java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, Spring, Hibernate, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodesJS, Angular, MySQL, Oracle WebLogic Server, JUnit, JMeter, Selenium Web Driver, etc. He is a certified: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 6 Programmer, Oracle ADF 11g Certified Implementation Specialist, Oracle Cloud Platform Application Integration 2020 Certified Specialist, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 Certified Associate, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Certified Associate

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