Requirement: Convert af:inputText value to upperCase, lowerCase, and capitalize by setting contentStyle of the af:input text in ADF
Solution: For solution to the above requirement follow the steps as shown below:
Step 1: Create an Oracle ADF Fusion Web Application.
Step 2: Create a demoPage.jspx page in the ViewController project of our application.
Step 3: Open demoPage.jspx page. Add three af:inputTextby drag and drop from the component palette on thedemoPage.jspx. Set the contentStyle for each of the af:inputText as shown below:
The below code will enforce the User to enter text in an upperCase format
<af:inputTextlabel="First Name"id="it2"contentStyle="text-transform:uppercase;"/>
The below code will enforce the User to enter text in a lowerCase format
<af:inputTextlabel="Middle Name"id="it3"contentStyle="text-transform:lowercase;"/>
The below code will enforce the User to enter text in an initCap (capilatize) format
<af:inputTextlabel="Last Name"id="it4"contentStyle="text-transform:capitalize;"/>
Thus, the complete demoPage.jspx code is shown below:
<af:inputTextlabel="First Name"id="it2"
<af:inputTextlabel="Middle Name"id="it3"
<af:inputTextlabel="Last Name"id="it4"
Step 4: Save all and run the application . Thus, the ran application is shown below:
Now type First Name as Susanto,Middle Name as Kumar, and Last Name as Paul. So, irrespective of the case we enter in the various af:inputText, the First Name is accepted as SUSANTO, Middle Name as kumar and Last Name as Paul as shown below:
Hence, the solution to our requirement.
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Thanks & Regards,
Susanto Paul
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